Author & Designer
An inquisitive geek who loves to create stuff.
and hang at the beach with her black lab.
But I’m a geek at heart and a tinker by nature. I’ve never stopped being inquisitive. Back around 2016, I started a blog on digital tools to create and photoshop images and graphics. During that time, I also thoroughly enjoyed creating websites for my blog and several affiliate marketing ideas I pursued.
But my love of reading kept me thinking about writing, not for my blog, but writing entertaining fiction. Because as a young kid, I read a lot, and still do.
About four years ago, I decided to pursue writing and see where it would lead me. I’m writing novels now but I also pen short stories and flash fiction. You can check out the latter by going to my substack. Just click the button below.

Items of Interest
Novels and Stories
And I don’t use AI for writing unless using one considers a grammar checker in that category. But I do use AI for images when necessary.
So if you’re interested in a five minute break from whatever your doing, and looking to read, check out my flash ficture. I post it on my substack; just click the link below.
Interested In My
Coffee Cup Flash?
That Thing You Read During Your Coffee Break
Five Minute Fiction

What's this about?
A favorite quote of mine is by Margaret Atwood.
“If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.”
So true. When I started on this journey, it was writing for my old blog Designed Bliss. Technical blog writing is different then writing fiction. I wince when I think about how bad my writing back then really was.
Writing requires a variety of skills: grammar, clarity, a narrative style. And just because one can write non-fiction well doesn’t mean they can write entertaining fiction.
Authoring fiction requires a creative imagination. It requires having a plot, defining interesting characters and providing great dialogue.
Short stories and flash fiction have the same requirements as full-length novels, but the shorter stuff actually can be more challenging to write. Short works require a complete story in a very condensed manner while still making it interesting. Writing short stories is a great way to practice. It’s why I’ve provided some of my shorter works as five minute fiction. Most if not all, were written based on one to three word prompts. If you’re interested, you can check them out here>>> Five Minute Fiction
About MJ Flick
But my focus is on writing, and I didn’t start as a writer, I began as a reader.
My love for books along with my creative inquisitiveness brought me to where I am now. Because as a small child, I could never put down a good book. I still can’t today. But my path to writing was long and winding.
After getting BS and MS degrees in engineering, I worked for many years before starting an online blog about digital design. But writing for my blog wasn’t enough. My head was filled with stories I read that entertained me as well as those I could imagine. Now I’m writing and designing to entertain others.
All the best, MJ